May 8th, 15th, 22nd, June 5th, 12th, 19th, 2017
The course explores various aspects of mindfulness practice using a structured approach and is experiential – learning is based on participants becoming aware of their direct experiences thinking of them differently. Skills will be taught to deal with difficult moments and techniques in utilising beneficial states of mind to overcome the mind’s natural bias towards negative experiences and thinking.
Each class is 2.5 hours and includes formal and informal exercises, meditation practices and group discussion. The course is non-religious and no previous experience of meditation is necessary. Participants will be provided with a work book and a number of CD’s for continued home practice. In order to change old habits and patterns of behaviour there is a need to commit to practicing new approaches on a regular basis.
Increased emotional resilience to help you deal with stress more effectively
Greater ability to focus the mind and increase attention
Increased enjoyment and enthusiasm for life
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a mind-body based approach that allows us to fully experience our lives, moment by moment. Being present in this way enables us to be more aware of the pleasant events of our lives as they occur. Mindfulness also helps us to deal with the stressful and challenging times more skilfully.
By developing these practices we can learn to live our lives in the present moment rather than thinking too much about the past or worrying and feeling anxious about the future. In other words, the ability to enjoy your life more, today.
The cost of the course in £160 to include workbook and CD's. Please visit for further information and feedback or contact Cheryl on 07530931655,