Georgina Pownall - Doula
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform” - Diane Marichild
A birth prep course for both the mother and her birth companion rediscovering the birthing body’s natural wisdom and finding ways to trust deeply in the ability to birth calmly, safely and with ease. Using techniques such as self-hypnosis, visualisation, meditation, deep relaxation and breath work, you’ll learn to let go of fears and create positive birth intentions, feeling prepared and excited in anticipation of your baby’s birth.
You will also take away from the course an in-depth understanding of the physiology of child birth, nutritional guidance for pregnancy, support in setting birth intentions and preparing your birth plan.
6.30 - 9.00pm (one evening a week, for three weeks) Next course dates TBC
£295.00 for the full course
Please contact Georgina directly on 07545775392 to reserve a space or for any further info.