There will be two gong baths as usual: 5-6.30pm and 7-8.30pm.
The November full moon is often called Frost moon as it is usually when the first frosts fall. The full moon falls early morning on the day before the bath (4th November) but will still be very bright. We hope to have a few fireworks before each bath so we can send up our intentions up with them!
This is a time of self care. A time to become truly concious of who we are:
In a nutshell, consciousness is vibrations in the structure of the universe that our brain can decode.
Sir Roger Penrose.
During a gong bath we experience many vibrations that re callibrate our bodies but also open our minds which is why we can find this a deeply relaxing experience and on occasions may see colours and make journeys in our mind. This is a wonderful way to de-stress, to iron out the dents and creases that this modern life causes and to just spend an hour with yourself. Only you.
£10/session. Refreshments afterwards. Please bring a cushion for your head.