2pm -4pm.
Next session 13th April
This are monthly 2 hour sessions where we begin with somatic work and locate an area of our lives we wish to explore based on our felt sense. Now that the weather has improved we will aim to start the movement session outside.
These sessions run mid month and are open to all. No experience needed - just a willingness to be curious and explore.
Every breathwork session is different, just as every breath we take is unique. Circular continuous breathing can help us access the residue of long-held self-limiting beliefs and wounds left by trauma that can get stuck in our subconscious, creating patterns that prevent us from making positive shifts and moving forward into the life we most deeply desire.
These sessions have the additional benefit of live drumming and this can help the breath penetrate deeper as the vibrational sounds open us up. We use Breathwork to access and reprogram the subconscious mind and make space for new opportunities and beliefs, releasing obstructive, resistant energies. What this does is allow for exciting new perspectives and possibilities to surface - which can then be embodied and lived with purpose and innovation.
The body has its own wisdom and language that we can access to but through habit and set thinking, we have ignored and thereby placing over reliance on the mind. Learning how to use and to listen to the body is a clearer and truer guide to feelings and actions.
Breath is our medicine - we can control how deeply and how quickly we breathe and in so doing we self regulate. In a session, it is your choice how deeply you wish to go and your breath is your gas pedal. Breathing is the link between body and mind, between spirit and matter, between the conscious and the subconscious mind. The breath is a force, a bridge, a tool. It connects us to each other, and to our own nature, our source.
When we control our breathing, we control our awareness, our focus and our energy, our life force. Breathing is a behaviour. Breath control is self control. Breath awareness is self awareness. When the breath flows fully and freely our natural creative and healing energies flow fully and freely. The breathing we use in sessions is called conscious connected breathing.It is very easy to do and we are lying down throughout the breathing element of the session.
The breath sessions begin with some easy movement and walking exercises followed by an hour of breathing and then an integration period. It is best to take it very gently for the rest of the day as although changes may not be apparent, the benefits will play out over the coming days. There is more information on breathwork in previous posts and under the Tab at the top of the opening page.
Bookings on the website or be £25/session
Maximum 14. This session will be a longer, involving more somatic work before the actual breath session which is an hour.
The benefit of having a longer period before we begin continuous circular breathing is that we can drop into our felt sense and open the body so that the breath goes deeper. We build trust and therefore a feeling of safety so that we allow whatever comes up to be released and to complete its cycle and this means we gain greater clarity about why we may we have behaviours that seem to be at odds with what we wish to do or which hold us back from projects and actions that we wish to bring into our lives. It begins the process of a greater understanding about ourselves, a greater connection and a softness in how we treat ourselves.